Here’s how to save energy in your kitchen

ShareHeating and hot water 1 account for more than half of our national fuel costs. Your heating system should be energy-efficient. This will help you save money in your kitchen and elsewhere. For some tips, take a look at this guide to efficiency with heating and hot water. If you are thinking of upgrading your system. Keep in mind the eco alternatives to gas boilers.

Ten ways to save energy in the kitchen

The hub of a household is the kitchen. It is where we cook, clean, and where we often meet, greet, and eat. It is also where most of our energy comes from. On average:

13.8% of the electricity used in our homes is used to cook our food.

An additional 16.8% is spent on food preservation.

Also, 10% is applied to wet appliances such as dishwashers.

Here are some ways to cut those percentages and save energy in your kitchen.

Use energy-efficient appliances

The Energy ratings may have changed in recent years, but their reasoning has not. Grades range from A for highly efficient to G for not bothering. It is both financially and environmentally wise to check the energy ratings of appliances that are in need of an upgrade. Our guide will help you choose the best energy-efficient fridge and freezer to fit your home.

Don’t forget to get only the appliance that you actually need. Regardless of how efficient they may be, larger fridges are more expensive to run.

Your standby habits should be reviewed

While you may need to leave the fridge plugged in for safety reasons, it’s not a reason to stop using other appliances, such as microwaves. You are losing money if your appliance is still drawing power from the plug. According to the Energy Saving Trust, we spend up to PS35 per year on appliances that we don’t even use. 3

Cook the right way

Cooking at home is an essential part of our lives. Cooking at home is a necessity. However, the cost of ingredients can be more expensive than buying them in the shops. Ovens, microwaves, and other handy gadgets that claim to make life easier will also increase energy consumption. Because microwaves only cook the food and not the surrounding space, they are much more efficient than ovens.

We don’t recommend that you microwave everything! According to the Centre for Sustainable Energy, an electric oven uses approximately 2-2.2kWh of electricity per hour. A microwave consumes between 0.6 and 1.5 kWh. It’s worth noting, however, that an electric oven uses between 2-2.2kWh and a microwave about 0.6-1.5kWh per eight hours.

Cover it with a lid!

Although it sounds simple, covering pots and pans will trap heat, allowing you to cook food faster, and using less energy. While you’re at this, make sure you use the right size pan for the amount you are cooking. A larger pan will take more energy to heat the water. If you see your pan’s hob area, change to a smaller one. This extra area is a waste of energy.

Make batches

You can cook as many meals as you want in one sitting. This will save you time and energy. You don’t necessarily have to eat everything at once. You can eat only what you need and then portion it out and freeze the rest. There’s nothing better than having a home-cooked meal at your fingertips when you’re hungry.

Freeze naturally

The microwave can waste energy by defrosting food. It can cut down on cooking time by removing the food the night before and placing it in the freezer or the refrigerator first thing in the day. Instead, place it in the refrigerator overnight or first thing in the morning. This will reduce the cooking time by half. It’s possible to remember this!

Make sure you use the correct cookware

It’s worth thinking about what kind of pots and pans you need to replace your old pans. Ceramic and glass dishes work best in the oven. Copper-bottomed pans heat up faster than stainless steel ones. Cast-iron pans retain heat well so the hob won’t have to be turned so high. They are heavy and not suitable for everyone.

Use a steamer for vegetables

Instead of heating up a separate hob, steaming vegetables make use of heat from the pan already placed on the stovetop. Nutritionists agree that steaming vegetables are more nutritious than boiling because they don’t lose as many vitamins.

Turn off the oven before it gets too hot

Ovens can retain the temperature for as long as 10 minutes after being turned off. That’s 10 minutes of energy that you can save, but you don’t have to sacrifice your cordon bleu cooking.

Make sure you use your kettle well

Brits love a good cup of tea. The Energy Saving Trust estimates that boiling only the water that is needed to make that cup of tea could save us PS6 per year. Although it may not seem like much, every little bit counts. Instead of boiling water on the stove for your vegetables, you can boil it in your kettle. This saves you time and energy.

OVO helps you save energy

OVO is committed to zero carbon. This means that we help our members reduce their carbon footprint and cut down on our carbon emissions. OVO members receive 100% renewable electricity as a standard. This means that by joining OVO you can reduce carbon emissions by 792kg 5. Plus, We plant a carbon-consuming tree each year in your name. Over a 10-year period, 60kg of carbon can be absorbed by a tree.

All members have free access to our energy-saving tool. This tool provides you with all kinds of information and insight about your energy usage. You will also find helpful tips and tricks to green your home. You can also receive a weekly breakdown of your energy consumption if you have a smart meter.

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